To embed codes in this documentation, I use
To embed Google Doc/Sheet/Slides in this documentation, go to that document, click menu bar File > Publich to the Web > Embed > Publish
To run a test script, instead of ./
use ./ 2> /dev/null
to suppress warning from killing ghost programs.
For easier debugging and learning about unfamiliar packages (e.g. PDDLGym), I'm using PyCharm. But somehow the packages need to be imported from a different path, compared to when I'm testing my script from command line. The following code changes the import script automatically:
import sys
if sys.stdin and sys.stdin.isatty():
## to use pddlgym from command line
## e.g., python kitchen_extended.pddl scrambled_eggs.pddl -o obj_extended.pddl -v 0 -e 'experiments/planner_FD'
from .pddlgym.pddlgym.parser import PDDLDomainParser, PDDLProblemParser
from .pddlgym.pddlgym.core import PDDLEnv
## to use pddlgym from PyCharm
## e.g., when testing `experiments/`, or `experiments/pddlgym/pddlgym/downward_translator/`
from pddlgym.pddlgym.parser import PDDLDomainParser, PDDLProblemParser
from pddlgym.pddlgym.core import PDDLEnv