Set up the Repository#

To clone the LEAP repository, you need to send Yang your GitHub username to be invited as a collaborator.

Open terminal and go to your favorite work directory (e.g., ~/Documents) to clone the project:

git clone

Planners setup#

Add FastDownward or PyperPlan as git submodules:

cd planners
git submodule add
git submodule add
git submodule init
git submodule update
./downward/ release

PDDLGym setup#

To enable our LEAP agent to interact with the world through observing and replanning (as opposted to take in fully observed state and spill out a plan), we use PDDLGym for constructing a gym-like environment (with state, step, reset) from PDDL.

cd environments
git submodule add
git submodule init
git submodule update
brew install swi-prolog

To install swi-prolog with Homebrew, I am runing terminal from Rosetta.

PDDLGym support the following subset of PDDL1.2:

  • Typing (hierarchical is not working for Prolog inference mode)
  • Quantifiers (forall, exists)
  • Disjunctions (or)
  • Equality
  • Constants
  • Derived predicates (somehow a body of forall doesn't work)

It doesn't support the following extensions that our domain uses

  • Conditional effects
  • Action costs

So to integrate, I modified PDDLGym so that it ignores warning when handling those extensions.

Revised axiom due to ValueError: Cannot instantiate condition: not normalized by pddlgym/downward_translate/pddl/

( :derived (is-egg ?i ) (forall (?i - egg) (raw ?i ) ) )

## occured only once thus i replaced predicate in precondition with the axiom body
  (:derived (has-parked ?a - agent)
    (forall (?c - car) 
        (agent-owns ?a ?c)
        (parked ?c)

Study Downward Translator#

to test LEAP with, we need to comment out the last line setup() in environments/pddlgym/downward_translate/